The San Diego Comic Con has come and gone. It's always a blast, but of course there are always regrets of things I didn't purchase or do. This year I regret having not been more social. So many familiar and new faces and I wish I had gotten over my shy nature and gotten out and talked more. Seemed this year was lots of walk by hello's and long distance waves and smiles. You know who you are! lol...KEI!
I have a twin brother and often worry that when he's walking the floor he might unknowingly snub someone that thinks he's me. I heard many stories of people approaching him thinking he was me that turned out good, but I also wonder if there are people that thought I totally blew them off, something I would never do. I'm shy, but not rude. I always appreciate the people who stop by and especially the ones who make the far travels to be there and say hello. Marty and friends always make the far trek from Japan and this year Matt Pott came all the way from TASMANIA!
I boothed again with Dean Yeagle and Scott Tolleson and couldn't ever ask for better booth mates. These are two sketches I did for Dean's new book that was released during comic con. The book features many great artists doing their takes on his iconic "Mandy". To purchase this great book, go here
I can't wait till next year!!!